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个人推荐Pasadena和San Marino,大部分区域的学区都不错。华人不多,房价没有炒的很高。不像Arcadia号称华人区中的比弗利山庄,房价被推的居高不下,个人感觉一地鸡毛。离华人区都不远,生活也方便,进的地方开车到丁胖子只要20分钟。Pasadena老城挺繁华,有轨交。 远一点的尔湾也不错。 如果以上都觉得贵,橙县的Brea, Yorba Linda, Fullerton也还行,房价不是很贵,离最近的华人区罗兰岗开车20-30分钟。 如果觉得语言不行,一定要住华人区的话。最大的华人区就是蒙市,但是环境就是脏乱差。那一片连着的几个华人区圣盖博、阿罕布拉、柔丝蜜,环境都差不多,天普好一点。华人区性价比不高,房价虚高。罗兰岗和哈岗房价稍微便宜点,但是比较远。10号和60号还算方便,但是上下班时间,基本上卧趴。 想到哪就写到哪。杠精勿喷,逢杠必删。



Xi'an (Chinese:西安),is the capital of the Shanxi province in the People's Republic of China .As one of the oldest cities in Chinese history,Xi'an is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China because it has been the capital of some of the most important dynasties in Chinese history,including the Zhou,Qin,Han,the Sui,and Tang dynasties.Xi'an is the eastern end of the Silk Road .The city has more than 3,100 years of history,and was known as Chang'an (traditional Chinese:长安).

Long holidays are usual during Spring Festival,Labor Holiday (1-7 May),and National Holiday (1-7 October).The number of travellers is often greater during Summer (May-August),although the most pleasant season for visiting Xi'an is Autumn.


nude bra→肉色胸罩




最厉害的狼是恐狼.恐狼是犬属已灭绝的一个物种,在更新世(距今约260万年至1万年)的北美洲非常普遍。虽然它与灰狼有关,但却不是任何现存物种的直系祖先。恐狼与灰狼在北美洲一同生存了约十万年。恐狼体型比现代的狼大,在很长一段时间内,它和狼并存在世界上,直到一万年前才灭绝。它的身体构造和现代的狼完全不同,身体更健壮结实,四肢比较细而且短,比较像鬣狗。它的下颚组织很大,使它有能力咬碎骨头。它在食物链上的位置也和鬣狗类似,更大程度上是食腐者而不是猎手。恐狼约生活于一万年前,与大部份其他的北美洲大型动物一同灭绝。在加利福尼亚的La Brea沥青坑中,发现的恐狼的骨骸远比其他动物多的多,整整3800具,恐狼和现生狼的亲缘关系本来就很近,从复原图上看不出太大差别的主要区别是恐狼的面颅比较粗短,颚骨更强劲,脑容量要低一些等等。


Always with you (English Version)歌词

歌手:GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE 专辑:Sing it Loud

作词 : Maria Okada


We can make this dream a reality

Together we can make a brand new day

If we just believe that we can fly

Someday (Someday) we can touch the sky

I'm always with you

I've been looking for someone to be there

When life is so unfair and hard to breathe

You always stand by my side and hold my hand

Your smile is the only light until we see the sun

Starting over like we've just begun

There are so many ways to do it right

Turn around and see what we've left behind

It's never ever too late

We can make a better tomorrow

We can paint it with any color we want

If we keep holding on we'll work it out

Someday (Someday) we can touch the sky

I'm always with you

I've been searching for something special

I spent too much time traveling around

Now I know all I need is someone like you

Everyday you make me happy with every word you say

Sit down and let me draw your smile

You look beautiful in colors so bright

Your brown eyes make my heart beats fast

I've never felt this way before

We can make this dream a reality

Together we can make a brand new day

If we just believe that we can fly

Someday (Someday) we can touch the sky

I'm always with you

Forget your tears of past

Do not regret do not chase

Raise your head up high

Cause stars are shining bright

There is nothing like you and I together

We can make a better tomorrow

We can paint it with any color we want

If we keep holding on we'll work it out

Someday (Someday) we can touch the sky

I'm always with you

We can make this dream a reality

Together we can make a brand new day

If we just believe that we can fly

Someday (Someday) we can touch the sky

I'm always with you

I belong to you you belong to me

Together there is nothing we can't do

If we keep holding on we'll work it out

Someday (Someday) we can touch the sky

I'm always with you