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It's the world’s greatest, Yo, 这是世界最棒的!

It's the world’s greatest, Come on, 这是世界最棒的,来吧。

World’s Greatest, Ever 一直都是世上最棒的。

I am a mountain 我是一座山

I am a tall tree 我是一颗很高的树

Oh, I am a swift wind 噢, 我是一阵狂风

Sweepin' the country 席卷全国

I am a river 我是一条河

Down in the valley 流入山谷里

Oh, I am a vision 噢,我有一双慧眼

And I can see clearly 我可以看清所有

If anybody asks u who I am 如果有人问你 我是谁

Just stand up tall look 'em in the Face and say 就站直了看着他们说


I'm that star up in the sky 我是天上的星星

I'm that mountain peak up high 我是那高不可及的山的顶峰

Hey, I made it 嘿, 我做到了!

I'm the world’s greatest 我是这世界上最棒的

And I'm that little bit of hope 我是仅存的希望

When my backs against the ropes 当我背靠着擂台的拦绳

I can feel it mmm 我能感觉到

I'm the world’s greatest 我是这世上最棒的!

I am a giant 我是个巨人

I am an eagle 我是一只大鹰

I am a lion 我是一只雄狮

Down in the jungle 深入丛林

I am a marchin' band 我是一个游~行乐队

I am the people 我是人类

I am a helpin' hand 我是一双能帮助你的手

And I am a hero 我还是一个英雄

If anybody asks u who I am 要是有人问你 我是何方神圣

Just stand up tall look 'em in the Face and say 尽管抬头看着他们说


I'm that star up in the sky 我是那天上的星辰

I'm that mountain peak up high 我是群峰之巅

I made it 我做到了

I'm the world’s greatest 我是这世上最棒的

And I'm that little bit of hope 我是仅存的希望

When my backs against the ropes 当我背靠擂台的绳索

I can feel it 我能感觉到

I'm the world’s greatest 我是最棒的

In the ring of life I'll reign love 在这日复一日的生活里,我将拥有和支配我的爱

(I will reign)

And the world will notice a king 而这个世界会注意到有一个国王(主角)

(Oh Yeah)

When all is darkest, I'll shine a light 当一切成为黑暗, 我将燃起一束光

(Shine a light)

And use a success you'll find in me 要是你使用到这成功的光芒,你将发现我就在那里


I'm that star up in the sky

I'm that mountain peak up high

Hey, I made it

I'm the world's greatest

And I'm that little bit of hope

When my back's against the ropes

I can feel it

I'm the world's greatest

I'm that star up in the sky

I'm that mountain peak up high

Hey, I made it

I'm the world's greatest

And I'm that little bit of hope

When my back's against the ropes

I can feel it

I'm the world's greatest

I'm that star up in the sky

I'm that mountain peak up high

Hey, I made it

I'm the world's greatest

And I'm that little bit of hope

When my back's against the ropes

I can feel it

I'm the world's greatest

It's the greatest 这是最棒的

Can you feel it 你能感受到吗

It's the greatest

Can you feel it

I saw the light 我看到那到光

At the end of a tunnel 在一个隧道的尽头

Believe in the pot of gold 相信宝藏

At the end of the rainbow 就在彩虹的尽头

And faith was right there 信念就在那

To pull me through, yeah 能拉着我穿过这

Used to be locked doors 它曾经是锁着的门

Now I can just walk on through 现在 我能轻易的走过去

Hey, uh, hey, hey, hey

It's the greatest 这是最棒的

I'm that star up in the sky 我是天上的星辰

I'm that star up in the sky

I'm that mountain peak up high

Hey, I made it

I'm the world's greatest

And I'm that little bit of hope

When my back's against the ropes

I can feel it

I'm the world's greatest。



You were my conscience

So solid now you're like water

And we started drowning

Not like we'd sink any farther

But I let my heart go

Its somewhere down at the bottom

But I'll get a new one and come back for the hope that you've stolen

I'll stop the whole world I'll stop the whole world

From turning into a monster and eating us alive

Don't you ever wonder how we survived

Well now that you're gone

The world is ours

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

I'm only human

I've got a skeleton in me

But i'm not the villain despite what you're always preaching

Call me a traitor

I'm just collecting your victims

They're getting stronger

I hear them calling

I'll stop the whole world I'll stop the whole world

From turning into a monster and eating us alive

Don't you ever wonder how we survived

Now that you're gone

The world is ours

Well you thought of straight big solutions

Well I liked attention

We're not always knowing the answers

You're gonna lose it

You're gonna lose it

I'll stop the whole world I'll stop the whole world

From turning into a monster and eating us alive

Don't you ever wonder how we survived

Well now that you're gone

The world

I'll stop the whole world I'll stop the whole world

From turning into a monster and eating us alive

Don't you ever wonder how we survived

Well now that you're gone

The world is ours


中国人身份证上面的身份证号码数字字体是华文细黑,是由中国常州华文印刷新技术有限公司(SinoType)制作并持有版权的一种TrueType电脑字体。在无中文的环境下显示的名称为STHeiti Light或STXihei,它属于华文黑体系列字体之一。







其中:①STHeiti-Light.ttc 和 STHeiti-Medium.ttc 代表的是中文字体;

②_H_Helvetica.ttc 和 _H_HelveticaNeue.ttc 代表的是英文以及数字字体;

③LockClock.ttf 代表的是锁屏时间字体;



歌手: 孙燕姿 专辑: My Story,Your Song 经典全纪录 CD4 公司:华纳唱片公司(Warner Music) VenusGoddess on the mountain topBurning like a silver flameThe summit of beauty and loveAnd Venus was her nameShe's got itYeah, baby, she's got itI'm your VenusI'm your fireAt your desireHer weapons were her crystal eyesMaking every man a manBlack as the dark night she wasGot what no-one else had